قام أحد مسلمي "فرنسا" بمقاضاة صاحب إحدى شركات توصيل الأطعمة للمنازل بمدينة "تورنيه الشمالية"، بعد فصله من العمل بسبب رفضه تغيير اسمه الإسلامي "محمد" إلى "ألكسندر".
فقد تقدم "محمد" - طالب الثانوي والبالغ من العمر 19عامًا - للعمل في الشركة كمندوب مبيعات، إلا أن صاحب العمل طالبه بتغيير اسمه خشية أن يتسبب اسمه في صرف العملاء عن الشركة.
وطبقًا للحكم الصادر عن محكمة النقض - كبرى محاكم "فرنسا" - عام 2009، فإن إجبار الموظفين على تغيير أسمائهم يُعد ممارسة تمييزية.
الخبر من مصدره الأصلي:
Man sues employer who wanted him to change Muslim name
A 19-year-old secondary school student is suing his former employer for racism, claiming that he was fired for refusing to tell clients his name was Alexander, not Mohamed, France Info radio reported Wednesday.
Mohamed was to carry out a one-month training period as a marketing agent at a food delivery company in the northern city of Tournes when he was let go because he refused to lie about his name.
His job was to have been to phone clients and propose special offers. Apparently, his employer felt that the name Mohamed would alienate potential customers.
According to a 2009 ruling by the French Court of Cassation, the country's top court, forcing employees to change their name because of their origin constitutes discrimination.